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Shrub Bed Maintenance

Stump grinding stump removal gardening ground care maintenance Tree surgery hedge cutting hedge trimming
Stump grinding stump removal gardening ground care maintenance Tree surgery hedge cutting hedge trimming

Shrub beds are important, but often overlooked, components of many landscaped areas.

Shrub beds are designed to frame larger plants, highlight garden features, soften the formal lines of buildings, add colour against the backdrop of dull masonry, compliment a contemporary design or improve drainage in waterlogged areas.

They should be design features in themselves. However, this is often not the case, with beds filled with “low maintenance” evergreens left to grow uncontrollably, or “hacked” with poor maintenance regimes. The result is a tired and unloved border that sends clients, customers, employees and the public, all the wrong signals.

We maintain shrub beds using professional-grade equipment and a horticulturists keen eye for detail, alongside our unrivalled industry knowledge.

The maintenance of shrub beds – be they raised, seasonal, perennial, woody, evergreen or roses – is not just integral to plant health, it also demonstrates pride and commitment to the area in which they are located.

The installation of shrub beds will elevate any area, increasing visitor satisfaction and encouraging higher usage frequency, especially in urban settings such as retail, business or industrial parks. As part of Lindrick Services wider grounds maintenance and management services, we offer a comprehensive shrub bed maintenance programme to keep your borders and beds healthy and pristine all year round.

Advantages of shrub beds

Shrub beds make for an appealing, attractive use of space, and can be a feast for the senses. However, maintenance is key in keeping beds looking their best. Weeds and other unwanted species will eventually spread if left unattended. In addition, bed borders require annual edging to remain tidy and under control.

Although shrub beds do require some regular maintenance, once installed this is usually limited to weeding and pruning at optimum times of the year. Although Lindrick Services would recommend full grounds maintenance as a more effective option, shrub bed maintenance services can be relatively inexpensive when compared to larger landscaping projects linked to vegetation clearances, groundwork and extensive renovations. This makes them a great choice if your property budget is stretched.

Why Lindrick Services?

  • We have planted and maintained shrub beds for many years

  • Our teams will remove unwanted weeds and plants without damaging desired species

  • Our team members are fully trained and properly equipped for shrub be maintenance

  • We are committed to achieving the very highest standards in health and safety

  • We weed shrub beds manually, avoiding the use of herbicides wherever possible

  • Our team are fully qualified in horticulture and species recognition, as well as creative and purposeful shrub bed planting and maintenance

Our team schedule lighter trimming, weeding and pruning from spring through to autumn. We find that winter is generally the best time to perform more extensive cutting back and clearance work in preparation for the next year. An effective maintenance schedule helps to improve plant health, lengthening flowering duration and keeping leaves in good shape.

Shrub bed installation

Creating shrub beds is an exciting experience that can really spruce up your green space. Lindrick Services is happy to advise on flower colours or plant types, depending upon your budget, type of soil, amount of sunlight, level of drainage and more. We base our advice on the type of maintenance plan you opt for and how you would prefer the shrub beds to look throughout the year.

Our shrub bed installations cater to all tastes and preferred styles. Lindrick Services can provide a wide choice of plants and foliage, from sparse, eloquent designs incorporating small bushes or trees to vibrant flower beds that provide a cacophony of colour. We can help you create spaces that give clients the right impression or employees the perfect backdrop for a relaxing lunch break.

Whether you wish to frame the entrance to an industrial estate or business park, or you’re looking to create a garden area for employees and customers to enjoy, we can help. Looking for another level? Raised beds offer an attractive finish in a contained and neat design.

Shrub bed maintenance

At the heart of shrub or flower bed maintenance is neat presentation. Raised beds can suffer from weeds and occasionally plants can become overgrown or unruly, requiring pruning before they become unsightly.

Edging can also become problematic. Plants can overgrow and hamper the use of paths by outgrowing their natural confines. Lindrick Services maintenance team are trained to return plants to an attractive, natural state, through pruning, training and general maintenance. In certain cases, plant growth may necessitate their removal.

Additionally, flower beds can be susceptible to weeds such as ground elder, dandelions and shepherd’s purse. Although not dangerous like some species, these weeds can be eyesores with flower beds needing regular attention to get rid of the problem.

If you’re interested in commercial weeding or have concerns about invasive species, please contact Lindrick Services directly.

  • Shrub beds are a fantastic choice for many environments but require management to keep looking their best

  • Improved air quality

  • Reducing soil erosion levels

  • Creating habitats for bees and other insects

  • Encouraging biodiversity

  • Acting as a windbreak

  • Keeping walkways, car parks, roads and other access and egress areas clear of encroaching vegetation

Benefits of shrubs

Maintaining shrub beds through regular tidying work helps to keep the plants themselves healthy. As well as providing an attractive backdrop, shrubs offer several benefits to outdoor environments. The benefits of planting and maintaining shrubs include:

If you are interested in our shrub bed maintenance services, please get in touch today and will be in contact with you shortly, happy to answer any questions you may have.


Carlton In Lindrick 





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